Never perform maximum thrust test with the paramotor standing on the
ground. If you want to do this put the paramotor with the turned off engine on
your back and then turn the engine on.
One of the most dangerous and unpredictable events during the flight is
tearing off the parts of the exhaust system. This usually causes damage to the
propeller and immediate thrust loss. It also leads to immediate preparation for
emergency landing. When the parts of the exhaust system start to fracture it is
usually indicated by a sudden change or increase of sound intensity produced by
the engine. Tearing off or loosing up the parts is indicated by perceivable increase
in vibrations. It leads to exhaust leaks that are indicated by increased noise.
Small capacity engines have small heat capacity, therefore they warm up quickly. After
refueling, flooding and initial start-up (on the ground), 30 seconds on low speed and about
30 seconds on medium speed is enough to prepare the engine. Then the engine can be
turned off in order to finish preparations for the take-off. After the wing is attached and the
pre-start wing monitoring is already performed, we advise you to start up the engine while
keeping it on your back and then to lean forward to perform the high speed test (it should
take a few seconds). It will help you to “push” the rest of the air into fuel system and it will
warm up the engine to the optimal temperature. Moreover, it will enable you to evaluate
how the engine is running on high speed.
6.2 Basic engine adjustments.
WB37 Carburetor adjustments.
The most frequent activity is adjusting the idle speed. Membrane carburetors are quite
sensitive to the changes in atmospheric pressure. It means that there are days when the
engine works properly at idle speed, and days when it works unevenly, cuts out or, for
instance, works on too high speed.
Attention! : All carburetor adjustments should be performed after warming up
the engine (approximately 2-3min on low and medium speed)
If you notice that it takes too much effort for the engine to start and it does not work evenly
on low speed or if it works unsteadily (e.g. has a tendency to cut out), you should correct
minimum speed settings. It is usually enough to adjust the throttle’s position with a screw
(horizontal screw lifting throttle lever), but in some cases it is necessary to change the
composition of the idle speed mixture.
WB37 carburetor has three screws that can be regulated. These are: throttle positioning
screw, idle speed mixture composition screw (L for low speed) and high speed mixture
composition screw (H for high speed).