This LED indicator indicates that the audio received from the Co-pilot Microphone and the
transmit signal (PTT), after keying the PTT button, is being routed to the Transceiver selected
via the Transceiver SELECTOR
3 . 1 . 4 C O - P I L O T I N T E R C O M V O L U M E C O N T R O L
This knob controls the Co-pilot’s intercom volume level. Fully clockwise being the maximum
volume level and counter-clockwise the minimum. This control may have an affect on the
Passenger headset volume, depending on the position of the Passenger Headset Amplifier
Source switch
(3.2.10 - Figure 3-2).
This knob controls the Co-pilot’s Transceiver volume level. The Audio at this point is selected
from any combination of the RX Monitor switches (3.1.2). and the Transceiver SELECTOR
(3.1.6). Fully clockwise being the maximum volume level and counter-clockwise the minimum.
This control may have an affect on the Passenger headset volume, depending on the position
of the Passenger Headset Amplifier Source switch
(3.2.10 - Figure 3-2).
The setting of this switch determines which Transceiver will transmit the incoming Co-pilot’s
microphone audio and which Receiver the Co-pilot’s headset will monitor, independant of the
RX Monitor (3.1.2) switch settings. The setting also determines which transceiver will be keyed
by the PTT switch of the Microphone.
3 . 1 . 7 A U D I O T H R O U G H P U T M O D E S E L E C T O R
In the
position, the TAC-200A operates actively with amplification of input signals to
all respective headsets.
In the Emergency mode, audio signals from any of the receivers will pass to the headsets
without amplification. This mode of operation is used in the event that the power to the TAC-
200A is interrupted.
* Due to the nature of the PTT/Keying circuitry, + 28VDC is required at all times to allow the
connected transceivers to transmit *
In the ISOLate position, all of the intercom audio traffic is disconnected from the Pilot or Co-
pilot as is determined by the setting of the ICS SELECT switch (3.2.2).
*Keep in mind that due to the fact that the Passenger Headsets (PAX1-5) share either the Pilot
or Co-pilot amplifier as per the PAX SELECT switch setting (3.2.7), whichever Pilot or Co-pilot
is disconnected from the Intercom, the connected Passengers will also be disconnected. *
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