Installing the application software
Before installing, first quit all other applications and resident programs such as virus protection programs, etc. The
device drivers installation should be completed first.
Insert the supplied CD-ROM in the CD-ROM
drive of your computer.
When the following [CD-ROM title page] appears
on the screen, click on [Applications
If the [CD-ROM title page] does not automatically
appear, double-click on the desktop [My computer]
icon, open the CD-ROM drive [index] file, and con-
tinue the procedure after the [CD-ROM title page]
display appears.
Open the [Install] icon.
The installer is activated. Follow the instructions on
the screen to proceed with the installation.
During or following the installation, it may be neces-
sary to restart your computer. In this case, follow
the instructions on the screen.
During the installation, the message “Command line
option syntax error. Type command /? for Help.”
may appear, but you can continue the installation
with no problem. Push [OK] button and continue the