Spy Mode
In this Use Case the RJ45 Ports work in Gigabit Mode. The copied data from the two 100
Mbit/s BroadR-Reach Ports are combined to one 200 Mbit/s stream and are sent on one Gi-
gabit link. To do a collision resolution the packets are buffered on the BroadR-Reach Port.
In the Spy Mode, the signals received in BR1A and BR1B ports are combined in one stream
and sent on GB1 port, while the signals received in BR2A and BR2B ports are combined in
one stream and sent on GB2 port.
The PC is not able to send data. The RJ45 Ports are output only.
This UseCase is very powerful in combination with the TimeStamp Feature (see Chapter
UseCase “01”: Spy Mode without Wrapper (TimeStamp Feature disabled)
ase “10”: Spy Mode with Wrapper (TimeStamp Feature enabled)
In this case, the communication between two BroadR-Reach ports is possible. BR1A and
BR1B ports can send packets each other, as well as BR2A and BR2B.
6.2.1 Spy Mode without Wrapper
In this case, no header is added in the sent Ethernet frame, and the received frames on the
BroadR-Reach ports are forwarded directly to the corresponding Gigabit port, without suffer-
ing any modification.