Manual TECHKON SpectroDens
In colorimetry the white reference is absolute in contrary to densitometry where the
white is usually referenced to paper white. Before making colorimetric measurements,
an absolute white calibration has to be carried out by placing SpectroDens on the
charging console and calibrating on the round, white ceramic standard.
Colorimetric measurements can only be com-
pared when the measurement conditions are
the same:
Polfilter: off
White reference: Absolute
Illuminant: D50
Observer: 2°
When selecting
in the polarizing filter
setting, there will be automatically the polar-
izing filter inactivated when making colori-
metric measurements.
The color distance ∆E* describes how close two different colors match. A value of 0
means that they are identical. ∆E*-color differences in the range of 5 result in con-
siderably perceptible deviations when reference and sample are close together and
observed at the same time.
For measurements of the color distance ∆E*
of two different colors, activate the
first by selecting the “soft key” with the
triangle icon.
Now two measurements are made:
1. Reference measurement
2. Sample measurement
The color distance ∆E* is displayed with two
digits. Additionally the components ∆L*, ∆a*
and ∆b* can be seen.
Color comparison:
Reference Sample