Display CH-Name
displays the channel name, if programmed
The following settings can be found in the software T-UP19 in the sec-
tion Memory Channel
settings: 50 CTCSS / 105 DCS
CTCSS / DCS codes can be added to each tx- and rx-frequency to mute unwan-
ted signals from unknown participants.
TX Power
transmission power
settings: Low / Mid / High
One of the three power settings can be assigned individually to each channel.
Please note that the TeCom-Z5 PMR and FreeNet are restricted to a max. power
of 500 mW. The versions VHF- (max. 5W) and UHF-COM (max. 4W) can be adju-
sted individually by a service technician.
channel scan
settings: Yes / No
Each programmed channel can be added to the scanning list. Only channels of
the scanning list are scanned for signals.
W / N
settings: N (12.5 kHz) / W ((20) 25 kHz)
Please note that for the radio versions PMR and FreeNet only the bandwith
12 kHz is available. For the -COM versions both settings are available.
busy channel lockout - blocks transmission when selected channel is occupied
settings: On / Off
The BCL function can be selected for each programmed channel individually.
optional functions
settings: Off / Compand / Scramble
Once activated, the scramble type, selected under ScramblerNo. (1 - 8), is used.
The compander is used for signal improvement by using combined compression-
and expansion-technology.
scrambler type 1 - 8
this settings sets the used scambler type - only relevant if scrambler is selected
for Optional Functions.
channel name
Each channel can be named individually. The name can be composed of a max.
of 5 of these symbols:
a) space,
b) digits
0 - 9
c) letters
A - Z
d) asterix (
, hpyen(-)
, underscore (
and plus (
Tx Stop
transmission blockage
settings: ON / OFF
The TeCom-Z5 contains a 5-tone selective calling function, whose parameter are to be
set via software T-UP19.
Each handheld transceiver can be programmed with one 5-tone selective encode and
one decode.
Once 5-tone selective calling is activated, the encode is sent off by pressing the PF1
key (10), which has to be programmed with the 5-tone function. If the sent encode mat-
ches the programmed decode of the receiving handheld transceiver, the receiving radio
displays the ID code of the transmissing radio, if available, and it acts in the program-
med way, e.g. speaker unmutes, bell rings, an automatic confirmation is sent, etc.
For sending a 5-tone selective call please follow these steps:
1. Push the PF1 key (10) to sent off the 5-tone call.
2. Push the PTT key (9).
The TeCom-Z5 is equipped with a Kenwood-compatible accessory connection (3.5 /
2.5 mm - stereo / stereo) that can also be used for the data transfer cable to connect to
the software T-UP19.
For further accessories please check the actual TEAM catalogue or web site.
tecom-xz_manual3_newdimension:Layout 1 19.09.2011 13:08 Seite 26