9. Condition settings
9-1. Filter
9-1-1. Low-Pass Filter Selection
Set the low pass filter cutoff frequency (Hz).
Options: 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, None
When set to “None”, the AD converter anti-aliasing function is
enabled for sampling frequencies to the top of the range.
9-1-2. Moving Average Data Set Size
Set the moving average data set size for the measured data.
Options: OFF, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048
9-1-3. Automatic Digital Filter
When the input signal is stable, the unit can temporarily set
the filter’s moving average data set size to 1024, reducing indi-
cator value unsteadiness.
This function is used for the display of indicator values and
affects judgments and DA output.
This does not function during hold execution, so it has no
effect on measured values.
This function can be disabled by setting it to OFF.
Options: ON, OFF
9-1-4. Moving Average Data Set Size
This sets the moving average data set size for the measured
data to the desired size.
Range: 0, 2–2048