4.5 Supply System
• Percentage voltage THD% between phases
(three phase supplies only).
• Current 100A (Direct connected)
• Continuous Overload current 120%
• Current THD% for each phase.
• Burden <10VA (nom 2VA)
• Self powered from any phase
to set the first
The unit has a default setting of 3Phase 4wire (3P4).
Use this
section to set the type of electrical system.
digit and press
to confirm
your selection. The next digit will
Repeat the procedure for the
remaining three digits.
From the set-up menu, use
buttons to select the
system option.
5.1.2 Power factor and Frequency and Max. Demand
The screen will show the currently
selected power supply.
• Frequency in Hz
• Instantaneous power:
• Power 0 to 3600 MW
• Reactive power 0 to 3600 MVAr
• Volt-amps 0 to 3600 MVA
• Maximum demanded power since last Demand
reset Power factor
• Maximum neutral demand current, since the last
Demand reset (for three phase supplies only)
After setting the last digit, SET will
to enter the selection
routine. The current selection will
buttons to
to exit the number setting routine and return to the
select the required system option:
1P2(W),3P3(W), 3P4(W).
Set-up menu. SET will be removed.
5.1.3 Energy Measurements
4.8 DIT Demand Integration Time
• Imported/Exported active
• Imported/Exported
reactive energy
• Total active energy
• Total reactive energy
0 to 9999999.9 kWh
This sets the period in minutes over which the current and power
readings are integrated for maximum demand measurement. The
options are: off, 5, 10,15 30,60 minutes.
to confirm the
0 to 9999999.9 kVArh
selection. SET indicator will
0 to 9999999.9 kWh
0 to 9999999.9 kVArh
From the set-up menu, use
5.2 Measured Inputs
buttons to select the DIT
to exit the system selection routine and return to the
Voltage inputs through 4-way fixed connector with 2.5mm²
stranded wire capacity. Single phase two wire(1p2w), three
phase three wire(3p3w) or three phase four wire(3p4w)
unbalanced. Line frequency measured from L1 voltage or L3
option. The screen will show
menu. SET will disappear and you will be returned to the main
set-up Menu.
the currently selected integration
4.6 CLR
to enter the selection
The meter provides a function to reset the maximum demand
value of current and power.
5.3 Accuracy
The current time interval will flash.
• Voltage
• Current
• Frequency
• Power factor
• Active power (W)
• Reactive power (VAr)
• Apparent power (VA)
• Active energy (Wh)
• Reactive energy (VARh)
• Total harmonic
• Response time to
step input
0·5% of range maximum
0·5% of nominal
0·2% of mid-frequency
1% of unity (0.01)
±1% of range maximum
±1% of range maximum
±1% of range maximum
Class 1 IEC 62053-21
±1% of range maximum
1% up to 31st harmonic
From the set-up menu, use
buttons to select the time required.
buttons to select the
reset option.
to enter the selection
to confirm the
routine. The dIt will flash.
selection. SET indicator will
1s, typical, to >99% of
final reading, at 50 Hz.
5.4 Interfaces for External Monitoring
to confirm the setting and press
to return to
to exit the DIT selection routine and return to the
the main set up menu.
Three interfaces are provided:
4.7 Change Password
• RS485 communication channel that can be
programmed for Modbus RTU protocol
• Relay output indicating real-time measured energy.
• Pulse output 400imp/kWh (not configurable)
5 Specifications
5.1 Measured Parameters
Use the
to choose the change
password option.
The unit can monitor and display the following parameters of a
single phase two wire (1p2w), three phase three wire (3p3w) or
three phase four wire (3p4w) system.
The Modbus configuration (baud rate etc.) and the pulse relay
output assignments (kW/kVArh import/export etc.) are configured
through the set-up screens.
5.1.1 Voltage and Current
Press the
to enter the
change password routine. The
new password screen will appear
with the first digit flashing.
5.4.1 Pulse Output
• Phase to neutral voltages 100 to 289V a.c.
(not for 3p3w supplies).
• Voltages between phases 173 to 500V a.c.
(3p supplies only).
• Continuous Overload voltage 120%
• Percentage total voltage harmonic distortion
(THD%) for each phase to N ( not for 3p3w
Opto-coupler with potential free SPST-NO Contact
(Contact range 5-27VDC / Max current input: Imin 2mA and Imax
27mA DC). The pulse output can be set to generate pulses to
represent kWh or kVArh.
4.9 CT Ratio
The CT option sets the secondary current (CT2 1A or 5A) of the
current transformer (CT) that wires to the meter and the ratio to
the primary current.
From the set-up menu, use
buttons to select the
secondary CT menu.
to enter the CT
Secondary value. 5A/1A
to enter the CT
The range is 0001 to 9999.
The value is entered as a RATIO of the
primary and secondary current.
For example, if using a 100/5A current transformer you would
enter 0020 on this screen.
4.10 PT Ratio
The PT option sets the secondary voltage (PT2 100 to 500V) of
the voltage transformer (PT) that wires to the meter.
From the set-up menu, use
buttons to select the secondary PT
menu. The default value is 400V
to enter the PT
secondary voltage. The range is 100 to
500V L-L
to enter the PT
The range is 0001 to 9999.
The value is entered as a RATIO of the
primary and secondary voltage.
For example, if using a 8,000/400V voltage transformer you
would enter 0020 on this screen.