2800 Laura Lane • Middleton, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 | www.tcsbasys.com
Analog Outputs
Under the
Analog Outputs tab, you can enable or monitor
settings for the following:
AO1 – 6
Modulating Heat/Cool Control
Heat Error PID
Cool Error PID
Discharge Reset
Discharge Tempering
Outdoor Air Damper Control
Economizer Output PID
Pre-Occupancy Purge
Demand Ventilation
Face and Bypass
STEP 1 Click on the desired field to program the relevant
STEP 2 After programming the Analog Outputs, click on
Write Page button to save the settings.
STEP 3 (Optional) Click on the Read Page button to make
sure all settings were entered.
Additional Functions (1 of 2)
Under the first Additional Functions tab, you can enable or
monitor settings for the following:
• Occupied
Communication Loss Delay
Time Clock
STEP 1 Click on the desired field to program the relevant
STEP 2 After programming the Additional Functions, click
on the
Write Page button to save the settings.
STEP 3 (Optional) Click on the Read Page button to make
sure all settings were entered.