2800 Laura Lane • Middleton, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 | www.tcsbasys.com
STEP 8 In the Poll tab window, click on the Poll Network
button. After a few seconds, an icon representing
the US5182 will appear. After the US5182 device
icon appears, you can click on the Stop
button or
the US5182 icon to cease polling the network.
When using a USB-C cable for communicating with
the US5182, the address will always be zero.
Programming the US5182
STEP 1 Click on the US5182 device icon
to bring up the
device tabs in the main window (this can take
several seconds).
STEP 2 Click on the Programming
tab in the main
window. This will open up a new set of tabs for:
System and Setpoints
Analog Inputs
Digital Inputs
Digital Outputs
• Analog Outputs
Additional Functions (two)
STEP 3 After expanding the Programming tab, click on
each of the seven sub-tabs to populate their data
fields. Allow several seconds for the US5182 to
populate each sub-tab (the window will “blink”
when populated.) Do this for every sub-tab,
even if you are not going to configure all inputs/
outputs or functions, as some data points are