2800 Laura Lane • Middleton, WI 53562
Building Automation Systems
Gateway Configuration
Installation information
Application Information
This section contains settings which define how the Panel interacts with the controller network, and how it communicates
the data to the Ubiquity Cloud Server.
Application Options
Select a Network Polling Cycle Time for the Panel. This is the time interval that the unit will poll the entire network of controllers
on all ports. You must select whether to allow caching the host name via DNS. Typically, this is left unchecked. You must select
how often the Panel connects to the Ubiquity Cloud Server. Typically, this is set to “Always On.”
Network Polling Cycle Time: (Default 1 minute) How often the RS485 network is polled
Connection Times: (Default Always On) The interval when the unit posts data to the Ubiquity Cloud
Application information