2800 LAURA LANE • MIDDLETON, WI 53562 • (800) 288-9383 • FAX (608) 836-9044 • www.tcsbasys.com
the 100ths decimal point (X.XX). The display on the
SZ1145 would then read 0.00 to 1.00. The scaling is
still 0 to 100 internal to the SZ1145.
Each input (AI1 & AI2) can be enabled to generate an
alarm. Once enabled, you need to set a "High Limit" and
a "Low Limit" (in units), and a "Hysteresis" (in percent of
input span). For example, if your input was -40 to 160°F
and you put in a hysteresis of 5%, the actual hysteresis
would be 10°F because of the 200°F span. When the
temperature reaches the High or Low limit, an alarm is
generated. The alarm is automatically cleared when the
temperature falls from the High Limit by the amount of
the Hysteresis (for a High Alarm Condition) or when the
temperature rises from the Low Limit by the amount of
the Hysteresis (for a Low Alarm Condition).
If a High Limit is set to the maximum span setting,
it is disabled. If a Low Limit is set to the minimum span
setting, it is also disabled.
There is an Alarm Delay Wait Time which, when set,
applied to all analog inputs (TEMP1-4 and AI1&2). If no
delay is desired, set the delay time to 0 minutes and
0 seconds. When this is done, an alarm is generated
(or released) immediately when the input reaches the
appropriate setting. If a delay time other than 0 minutes
and 0 seconds, the SZ1145 makes sure that the analog
input has been at the appropriate setting for that amount
of time before generating (or releasing) an alarm.
The time set for the Alarm Delay Wait Time is
used for all analog inputs that are set to generate an
Digital Input One (DI1) can be configured to use
one of 3 modes (MONITOR, ALARM or TOGGLE
Digital Input Two (DI2) can be configured to use one of
2 modes (MONITOR or ALARM).
When a digital input is selected to be in MONITOR
mode, the SZ1145 just monitors that input. No control
action is taken. Open refers to the input as being "Open"
or "Off", and closed refers to the input as being "Closed"
or "On".
When a digital input is selected to be in ALARM mode,
you need to select whether the "Alarm Condition" will
occur when the digital input is "Open" or "Closed". The
SZ1145 monitors the input. When the input "Opens" or
"Closes", based on your selection, an "Alarm Condition"
is generated. Open refers to the input as being "Open"
or "Off", and closed refers to the input as being "Closed"
or "On".
If either of the two digital inputs are selected to use
"Alarm" mode, then you will be given a choice of
whether to enable a 15 second digital input delay. If not
enabled, an alarm is generated (or released) imme-
diately upon a change of status for the digital input. If
enabled, the SZ1145 makes sure that the digital input
has been present for 15 seconds before generating (or
releasing) an alarm.
If the 15 Second DI Delay is enabled, it is
enabled for all digital inputs that are set to ALARM
Digital input one can be set for "Toggle Momentary"
mode. In this mode, momentarily closing DI1 will acti-
vate an "Override" condition where all new alarms will
be suspended. There is an "Override Time" to set which
is adjustable from 0 to 255 minutes.
Whenever an input of the SZ1145 is in an alarm condi-
tion, based on its settings, the SZ1145 will indicate the
alarm from its display and through communications. In
addition to this, the SZ1145 has a relay output which
can be programmed to indicate an alarm. It can be set
to be N.O. (normally open) or N.C. (normally closed)
when an alarm occurs, or it can be disabled.
If the relay output is enabled, meaning set to normally
open or closed, then you may enable an automatic
alarm time-out feature by choosing "Yes" in the "Allow
Alarm Time-Out" menu. If "Yes" is chosen, then you
need to enter a time adjustable from 0 to 255 seconds,
after which the relay output will revert back to its "Non-
Alarm" state. This is useful if an audible horn is attached
to the relay output. The horn can indicate the alarm con-
dition and then automatically time out without having to
have someone go through the programming menus to
disable the alarm.
Checkout & Troubleshooting
You may verify the status of the alarm status, relay out-
put and all of the inputs in the monitoring screens, which
are accessed by pressing the "Scroll" key.
1. Verify all wiring prior to powering the controller.
2. Turn power on. The controller will display a momen-
tary screen with the model and version number, and
then the main monitoring screen. The "Alarm LED"
will blink for 15 seconds. During this time no alarms
will be generated. This time gives the circuit time to
stabilize and prevents false alarm conditions immedi-
ately after a power outage.