Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What’s the quickest way to view High Definition (HD) video?
Connect an off-air antenna to the ANT/CABLE/SAT IN to view free local digital channels. You may need to purchase
an antenna.
www.antennaweb.org for assistance in deciding what type of antenna to use to receive the local digital channels
available to you. By entering your location, this mapping program tells you which local analog and digital stations are
available using a certain antenna.
Are there other ways to view High Definition (HD) video?
Besides using an off-air antenna as mentioned above, you can also use a set-top box to receive
digital video. Contact your cable company or satellite provider to purchase digital programming
and have them connect the box to ensure you are viewing channels the best way.
How do I tell an analog channel from a digital channel?
Press the INFO button to display the Channel Banner. Look at the bottom right corner of the screen. The dot (•) is
displayed for a digital channel. If there is no dot, it is an analog channel.
Why are there bars on my screen and can I get rid of them?
Most digital video is sent in a 16/9 format which fills your screen, but is sometimes sent in 4/3 which does not fill your
screen. It depends on how the station or device connected to your TV is formatting the video. If there are bars on the
screen, press the ZOOM -/+ button to try a different format that may eliminate the bars. Some bars can’t be removed
because of the way the format is sent by the broadcaster. The format changes as you press the ZOOM -/+ button and
the format type is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Why does channel search find a lot of channels, but when I try to tune to them, there’s nothing
Some channels enabled by the cable company don’t carry programming, such as video ondemand. When channels
are unavailable, your TV screen is blank or appears like snow. You probably want to remove these channels from
your Channel List. Remove these in the Channel Skip Menu.
Why does the first channel search take a long time?
If you have both analog and digital channels, the TV is looking for all available channels in the Channel List. If you
do have digital channels, the TV is also searching for scrambled channels, non-scrambled channels, and each sub-
channel of that digital channel.
Is Netflix free?
No, you must create a Netflix user account and subscribe to Netflix service.
I am having difficulty accessing Netflix or other subscription based services.
Please contact the service provider directly to resolve content related issues.
I forget my secure access code.
Please refter to the user manual for your router.
Chapter 3
Other Information