Select the In section on the Main page using the
BLOCK keys.
The global level controls should be set to optimize the
performance of the 24 bit A/D converter in the
The In block is divided into two pages accessible by
using the MENU keys. The Input choice in page 1
enables or disables other parameters such as External
Insert and Sample Rate Conversion and the Input
choice should therefore be carried out as step no. 1.
Please note that the DSP ÒMODE 48/96Ó is available
only in the Finalizer 96.
Basic operation
Press the PARAMETER keys to move the cursor, and turn the
ADJUST wheel to change values.
Page 1
This page is identical to page 1 in the Out block
Considerations setting up the Input page:
Maximum A/D performance
When converting from Analog to Digital, maximum A/D
performance is crucial to maintain the maximum quality. In order
to achieve this, the A/D converter should be given the best
operational conditions. Setting the clock of the converter is one of
the points where you have to carefully consider your choice.
The ideal situation for any converter is to use the internal clock of
the converter itself. This will ensure a minimum of artifacts like
Input Sample Rate and Sample Rate Conversion (SRC)
When a Digital Input is used, the transmitting device and the
Finalizer need to run at the same Clock Rate, or Sample Rate
Conversion (SRC) must to be used.
If the SRC is off, you have to put either the Finalizer in External
Clock mode, or the transmitting device has to get a Clock Rate
from the Finalizer running in internal clock mode.
To test the Digital connection, try listening for a minute or so to a
sine tone at e.g. -18dBFS generated by the transmitting device. If
you hear no distortion or glitches, you’ve probably got it right.
Input type
Digital Output
I 2
I 1
Input level
L/R Fine
Sample Rate Conversion may be applied to the AES/EBU,
S/PDIF or Tos-link Input. The Input Sample rate is asynchronous,
with the Output of the Sample Rate Converter locked to the
system Clock source.
Internal references at 44.1and 48 or an external Word Clock
signal may be used to drive the Sample Rate Converter.
Sample Rate LEDs
When a Digital Input is used, and the signal is recognized, one of
the three yellow Rate LEDs light up. If no signal is present, and
you’ve selected a Digital Input or Insert, all three LEDs will
Note: Blinking LEDs indicate an error condition. The Outputs of
the Finalizer are muted.
Digital Input Formats and levels
Several Digital Input formats are supported: AES/EBU, S/PDIF,
Tos-link and ADAT. If you select ADAT format, you are allowed
to pick two independent tracks for processing in the Finalizer.
Format conversions between any of the mentioned formats are
Level calibrations are easily maintained in the Digital domain.
However, with a Digital Input selected, level and balance
adjustments may be performed digitally in Input page 2.
When a Digital Input is selected, the Clock selection defaults to
EXT DI (External Digital In). This selection may be overruled as
explained in the ”Sample Rate”.
Mode 48/96
Mode 48 gives you a maximum frequency response of 24kHz.
Mode 96* (double Sample Rate) gives you a maximum frequency
response of 48kHz.
Clock - Sample Rate
Select which clock you want the Finalizer to sync to.
Mode 48: Internal 44.1, Internal 48, External sync. or External
Mode 96*: Internal 88.2, Internal 96, External sync. or External
Optical - Digital Output Formats
The available Output formats are determined by the Input and
Insert selections. Optical Outputs may be chosen between ADAT,
Tos-link and Thru.
- When ADAT is selected, you may assign the Finalizer
signals to any two ADAT channels.
- When Thru is selected, the Optical Output is a copy of the
Optical Input, regardless of format.
* 96kHz is only available in Finalizer 96. “MODE 96” must be
Finalizer & ADAT
When using the Finalizer in a setup with ADAT’s there are a
couple of recommendations to keep in mind.
There are two different situations: An ADAT setup with BRC
(Big Remote Control), and an ADAT setup without BRC.
If the BRC is not connected, the ADAT should be slaved to
incoming Finalizer Clock. Use the following:
1. Connect the Finalizer’s optical out to the ADAT optical in.
2. Select "Digital in" on the ADAT.
The ADAT will now use the Finalizer clock.
Note: Slaving the Finalizer to the ADAT clock will reduce the
Finalizer’s A/D converter performance.
When using the Finalizer with ADAT’s and a BRC it is
recommendable to use this setup:
1. Connect the Finalizer’s optical out to the ADAT optical in.
2. Connect the ADAT’s optical out to Finalizer optical in.
3. Enter the In section of the Finalizer (Mainpage) and set the
"Clock" to "ADAT".
This will force the Finalizer to follow the clock of the ADAT.
Note: This is only possible when using the Analog Inputs of the
The ADAT is forced to follow the clock of the BRC. In order to
synchronize the Finalizer to the ADAT, the clock of the ADAT is
used as master clock in the Finalizer.
Sample Rate
In page no 1
In page no 2
Mode selector
Finalizer96K Manual 01.99 28/01/99 16:23 Side 14