caller: the "agent" (this application) sends the connection request to the peer, which must be listener, and this way
it initiates the connection.
listener: the "agent" waits to be contacted by any peer caller. Note that a listener can accept multiple callers, but
srt-live-transmit does not use this ability; after the first connection, it no longer accepts new connections.
rendezvous: A one-to-one only connection where both parties are equivalent and both attempt to initiate a
connection simultaneously. Whichever party happens to start first (or succeeds in punching through the firewall
first) is considered to have initiated the connection.
For SRT, an easy connection is VLC Player as “Caller”, and Encoder as Listener.
Encoder is set to mode “Listener”, and go to configure “Port”, “Latency”:
Normally, the Latency is recommended to 3~4 time of RTT (round-trip-time).
Last, test the URL in VLC Player (VLC Player should be v 3.0.8 or higher, then it has the feature to support SRT.).
We strongly not to turn multiple protocols on simultaneously, as it will increase the consumption of Encoder
resources and bring instability.