Models C709 & C717
Important: To the Operator
Operating Screen Descriptions
The fluorescent display located in the center of the
control panel is normally blank during the daily
operation of the machine. The display is activated
when the SEL symbol or the Manager's Menu is
selected. The display screen will also alert the
operator of specific faults detected by the control.
The displays illustrated in this section are
those seen on the Models C709. The Model C717
displays may vary slightly.
Power Up Memory (Initializing)
The seven segment display should display “00”
during the initializing sequence.
When the machine is powered, the control system
will initialize to perform a system check. The screen
will display “INITIALIZING”. There will be four types
of data the system will check: LANGUAGE,
Language Initialization
The UVC platform supports multiple languages by
keeping specific strings in battery backed RAM.
After power-up or a CPU reset, the strings are
tested to see if the language strings are present and
not corrupted. If the strings are present and not
corrupted, initialization continues. Otherwise, the
operator is prompted to select a language. While
language strings are being checked for integrity, the
following screen is displayed.
If there is a language initialization fault, the
machine will force a language selection prior to the
initializing sequence. The standard menu LED's
should light, as if it were in a menu. If a language
has been selected, the unit is powered down, the
machine should not ask for a language unless there
is another language initialization fault. English is the
factory default setting.
System Data
System data is protected separately from the rest of
the data in memory. System data includes variables
that change frequently such as the mode the
machine is in, lockout status, serving counters, fault
codes, and others. While System Data is being
checked the following screen is displayed.
System Data
If the System Data is corrupted, the machine is set
to OFF, the serving counters are set to zero, and the
faults are cleared. A “SYSTEM CRC ERR” fault is
set and displayed on the VFD. An acknowledgement
(SEL key) is required.
Configuration Data
Configuration data is separate from the rest of the
data in the memory. Configuration data is
information entered through operator and service
menus. While Configuration Data is being checked
the following screen is displayed.
Config Data
If Configuration data is corrupted, all user and
service settings are set to defaults. A “CONFIG
CRC ERR” fault is set and displayed on the VFD.
The system will continue to operate in its previous
mode but according to default settings.
Lockout Data
Lockout data is protected separately from the rest of
the data in the memory. While the Lockout Data is
being checked, the following screen is displayed.
Lockout Data