2. Factors like humidity, temperature, and even the minor electric
readings from your hand, which all have an impact on the readings from
the wall.
Important: Confirm it is a metal stud or wooden stud
Because the stud finders are looking for a change in density behind wall
in Stud Scan Modes and Deep Scan Modes, not a particular material.
The detector will react to metal studs the same as it would for wooden
studs. We can only hang things to wooden stud and can’t drill to the metal
After you detect the center of a stud, Please Use Metal Scan Mode to
determine whether the previous reading in Stud scan was a wooden stud
or metal stud.
Step 1:
Press the mode button to choose the
“Metal mode”
Step 2
Calibrate the tool in the air
Step 3:
Put it close to the stud center mark(you made in the previously
steps) to test whether the tool will has a reaction. If the signal bar on the
screen grows and the tool beeps, it means it is a metal stud, be sure not
to drill to it. It is dangerous. If not, it means it is a wooden stud. You can
drill it to hang your pictures, cabinet, TV, etc.
Frequently Questions and Answers
1. I do all the steps as the instructions said, but the screen shows nothing.
No readings at all
2. It gives a different center of stud position every time on the same stud
3. It was not consistent
4. It works for one stud and not the next
5. It rarely find the same center or edge twice, it is wrong 3 out of 5 times.
If you encounters the above issues in stud mode or deep mode, It may be
caused by the position you do the calibration.
Tavool electronic stud finder looks for a change in density behind wall to
locate the wooden stud and metal studs in Stud Scan Mode and Deep
Scan Mode. When you calibrate it at a position on the wall, the stud
finder gets an
initial density sample
. When it gets to the section with dif
ferent density, the stud finder will create different circuitry inside and
trigger its internal program to locate the center of the objects exactly.
If you
calibrate it exactly on the wooden stud
, the
initial density
is not
, so the tool may has no readings at all or has
different results, or is not consistent.
Similarly, if you calibrate it very close to the wooden stud, the
density sample
is not reliable,too. And it may cause that you didn’t find
the exact center or Works for one stud and not the next.
Above all, calibration before every scan is very important. And where you
calibrate the tool is important, too.
If any other expected questions,or if the tool beeps all the time,
please feel free to contact us at
to get a
replacement or refund. We always stand behind our products to
offer proper solutions and won’t let you suffer any loss.
If any problems, your contacting us before an review is highly
Metal Scan Mode
this mode to locate metal material and avoid hazards such as pipes
behind wall up to 2.36 in.
Metal scan mode has Maximum metal sensitivity and is ideal for quickly
finding the approximate location of metal. However, sensitivity can be
reduced by calibrating the tool closer to metal.For maximum metal
sensitivity, calibrate it
in the air
by pressing and holding the Power
Step 1:
Press the mode button to choose the
“Metal mode”
Step 2:
Calibrate it in the air or on the wall (when you need to reduce the
metal sensitive) before every scan
Step 3:
Move it flat against the wall to scan.
Step 4:
When the signal bar is full, mark the spot. Then move it in the
same direction, you will get another spot where the signal bar is full.
The metal is at the center of the 2 spots.
Step 5:
If the distance between the 2 spots is very long than actual size,
please reduce the metal sensitivity by calibrating it on the wall and exactly
on the spot, then repeat the step 4 to find the 2 spot. The metal is at the
center of the 2 spots.
1. WireWarning detection works in all modes. The indicator flashes on the
screen when detecting a live, unshielded wire.
2. Factors like humidity, temperature, and even the minor electric
readings from your hand, which all have an impact on the readings from
the wall.
Ac wire Scan Mode
Ac wire mode finds live, unshielded, electrical wires up to 2 inches (51
millimeters) deep.It works by sensing the magnetic field changes of live
AC wire. It indicator where the ac wire is bu not the exact center. And it
needed to calibrate in the air, too.
Step 1:
Press the mode button to choose the
“Ac wire mode”
Step 2:
Calibrate it in the air or on the wall before every scan
Step 3:
Move it flat against the wall to scan.