used to "abstract" a particular section of a file (such as a
subroutine). The start and quit string s are always included in
the copy operation.
the string s following the S and Q parameters are translated to
upper case by the CCP if form (2) of the PIP command is used.
Form (1) of the PIP invocation, however, does not perform the
automatic upper case translation.
1) PIP <cr>
2) PIP "command line" <cr>
Tn Expand tabs
characters) to every nth column during the
transfer of characters to the destination from the source.
Translate lower case alphabetics to upper case d u r i n g the copy
V Verify that data has been copied correctly by reading after the
write operation (the destination must be a disk file).
Z Zero the parity bit on input for each ASCII character.
The following are valid PIP commands which specify parameters in the
PIP X.ASM=B:Cv] <cr>
Copy X.ASM from d r i v e B to the current dive and v e r i f y that the data
Copy X.ASM to the
device; number each line, expand tabs to every
and translate lower case alphabetics to upper case.
First copy X.HEX to he PUN: device and igonore the t r a i l i n g "00"
record in X.HEX; then continue the transiter of data by reading Y.ZOT,
which contains hex records, including any "00" records w h i c h in
] <cr>
Copy from the file
into the
Start the copy when the
has been found, and quit copying after the string "JMP