Hardware description
3. Hardware description
3.1. Technical characteristics
Device characteristic
RS232 lines
RS232 baudrates
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
RS232 data bits
RS232 parity
None, Even, Odd
RS232 stop bit
1, 2
RS232 flow control
RS232 buffer
512 Bytes
Bluetooth mode
Central, Peripheral
Bluetooth range
20m - 50m
Bluetooth max transfer rate
8 kB/s
Current consumption
10 mA
Table 3.1. BLE232 technical characteristics
3.2. Serial interface and power supply schematics
The BLE232 can be powered internally via the serial line. The signals DCD, DSR, RST,
CTS, DTR and RI can be used as power supply.
The BLE232 can as well be powered by an external power source between 3 to 16 Volt.
Figure 3.1. Serial interface and power supply schematics