1. Overview
1.1. BLE232 overview
The BLE232 is an interface adapter converting RS232 communication to Bluetooth 4.0.
It has been designed to transfer state messages. It is not especially suitable to transfer
streams or large files, although it works for small files or less volume streams.
It is available as Bluetooth central or peripheral device. It can be used to connect to any
other Bluetooth device such as a smartphone or a Bluetooth sensor that supports Bluetooth
4.0 or two can wirelessly bridge two RS232 ports. It can be used with Windows or Linux
operating systems or directly with microcontrollers.
The BLE232 is available as couple for ready-to-use as BLE232-Central or BLE-Peripheral,
otherwise the modules need to be paired.
The BLE232 has a programming and configuration interface. The configuration can be
done via the Bluetooth characteristics settings of your operating system or directly via the
serial interface (BLE232-peripheral) or only via the serial interface (BLE232-central)
If necessary and desired the module's microcontroller may be programmed by the user