Emulation Notes
This emulation adapter is custom designed for use with specific target and is not
meant for general use!
Original microcontroller connects the GND potential to the target PCB through the exposed pad
located in the center of the microcontroller on the bottom side of the package”.
The emulation adapter connects to the target PCB via Solder part which doesn’t provide the ex-
posed pad. That means ground signal remains unconnected. No solder part supporting this
QFP100 (0.4 mm pitch) package featuring exposed pad exists in the market (status 2017/Q4).
For this reason, emulation adapter provides a dedicated GND connection through a short wire,
which has to be connected between the emulation adapter and the target. Note that such setup
could exhibit problems since the ground potential is not routed close to the microcontroller pins
and the GND path is considerably prolonged comparing to the original microcontroller with the
GND connected through the exposed pad.
4k7 ohm pull-up is present on the port P14.2 and 4k7 ohm pull-downs are present on the follow-
ing ports:
P00.1-P00.9, P00.12,
P14.5, P14.7, P14.8
P15.4. P15.6-P15.8,
P20.0, P20.3, P20.6, P20.7,
P33.0-P33.4, P33.11, P33.12
These ports exist on the 144-pin device, which is populated on the emulation adapter, while the
100-pin target device being emulated by the emulation adapter doesn’t have these ports. These
resistors predefine value of these ports when their input registers are read by the application.
This makes sense only when the same application is supposed to run on 100-pin and 144-pin
microcontroller. If the application is written for 100-pin device only, it shouldn’t read these ports
since they don’t exist.
At the moment 144-pin TC234LF AB step is populated on the emulation adapter. For the 100-
pin TC233LP target device, newer AC step exists already, fixing known issues from the AB step
including CAN FD related issues. Refer to Infineon errata documents for more details on known
issues and fixes for specific step. Infineon has no plans to do an AC step of the 144-pin
TC234LF emulation device (status: 2017/Q1). Consequentially, the application running on the
target based on a real 100-pin TC233LP device step AC or newer can behave differently compar-
ing to the application running on the TC234LF emulation adapter.
Startup and Power Supply Mode
The target device TC234 being emulated with this emulation adapter, can have the external
nominal system supply either 3.3V or 5V. Both are supported by the emulation adapter. The
power supply scheme of the TC234LF at startup is based on the latched status of HWCFG[0:2]
pins before PORST release. With the emulation adapter, HWCFG[0:2, 6] pins are left unconnected
(floating) while the TC234LF PORST signal is low. This ensures embedded voltage regulators
EVR33 and EVR13 are active by default. As soon as the PORST line is released from the low
state, the HWCFG[0:2, 6] pins get connected to the target via the emulation adapter logic.