Original microcontroller in the QFP100 package provides GND con-
nection through the exposed pad. The emulation adapter, replacing
the original microcontroller doesn’t provide support for the exposed
pad and for this reason the GND connection must be established
separately. Use J4 or J5 connection pin to established good GND
connection between the emulation adapter and the target. The con-
nection should be quality and short as possible. Refer to the Emula-
tion Notes chapter for potential problems with this grounding con-
J9 & J10
If the emulation adapter is attached to the target, jumpers J9 and J10 must not be populated
since the target takes care of all the microcontroller pin connections already.
When the emulation adapter is to be used in a so called standalone operation without connect-
ing it to the target, and the microcontroller analog/digital converter is used, the two jumpers
should be set. Jumper J9 connects VAGND to VSSM and jumper J10 connects VSSM to the
emulation adapter GND potential.
VAGND (pin 41) – Negative Analog Reference Voltage 0
VDDM (pin 44) – ADC Power Supply
VSSM (pin 43) Analog Ground for VDDM