TASCAM Portacapture X6
9 - File operations
Recording data is saved in the SOUND folder on the microSD card.
The two types of recording data are track files and master files. The types
of files saved depend on the recording app. For details, see “Recording
app output files” on page 11.
This unit can record and play wav (including BWF) and mp3 files.
9 - 1 File name overview
Files recorded by this unit are named as described below.
Project name Track number
Characters set by user File number
Characters set by user
When TYPE is set to DATE
YYMMDD (YY: year, MM: month, DD: date)
Two digits each are used for the year (last two), month and date.
When TYPE is set to WORD
A string of 6–9 characters can be specified as wanted.
The default value is “TASCAM”.
The usable characters are as follows.
Uppercase and lowercase alphabet letters numerals 0–9,
and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) + , - . ; = @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~ (space)
File numbers
This shows the order recorded.
The default value is “0001”.
For dual files
MP3: File M
For mixdown files
File MIX + number of times
For divided files
File n _A and _B
For files divided by marks
File number of times (_01, _02, _03…)
Track number
This shows which track was recorded. This is only added to track files.
When stereo-linking off
Track number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
When stereo-linking on
Linked track numbers 1–2, 3–4, 5–6
For master files
2-channel apps: None
Project name
This is the characters set by the user and the file number connected
by an underscore (_).
Since the file number is increased each time a file is recorded, the
project also changes with each recording. See “Project overview” on
page 41 for details.