12 – Messages
Meaning and response
Write Timeout
Writing to the SD card timed out.
Backup files on the SD card to your computer, and format the SD card.
Card Full
The SD card has no remaining capacity. Erase unnecessary files or move them to your computer to make open space.
Layer too Deep
Folders can be created down to two layers. You cannot create a new folder inside the current folder.
Can't Divide
The position selected for divide is not suitable (too close to the beginning or end of a file).
Max File Size
The file is larger than the designated size.
File Full
The total number of folders and files exceeds 5000. Erase unnecessary files or move them to your computer.
Card Error
The SD card could not be handled properly. Replace the SD card.
File Protected
The file is read only and cannot be erased.
No Card
No SD card is in the unit. Install a recordable SD card.
No PB File
There is no file that can be played back. The file might be damaged.
No Audio File
DIVIDE cannot be executed because there is no audio file.