Table of contents
Handling of compact discs ............................................. 6
About the power supply ................................................. 7
Part names and functions ............................................... 9
Making connections ..................................................... 12
Using the menu system ................................................ 14
Using the CD player ...................................................... 16
Pitch and tempo changes ............................................. 17
Using CD effects ........................................................... 18
Using built-in effects .................................................... 19
Effect presets ............................................................... 21
Using the metronome ................................................... 22
Using the tuner ............................................................. 23
Changing your preferences for the CD-GT1MKII .......... 24
Facts and figures (specifications) ................................. 25
About this Manual:
When we refer to a key or connector or control on the CD-GT1MKII, the type-
face looks like this:
When we refer to items shown on the display, the typeface looks like this: