Next you will need to assemble the truck. We recommend slow setting super glue for this step.
This is where a set of track becomes useful. Slide the axel/wheel assembly into the bearing
boxes. Now set the assembly onto the rails and make sure it sits flat. If it sits flat disassemble
and then glue the axels into the bearing boxes while holding the assembly on the track. Now
install the brake support sub-assemblies to the ends of the truck frames. See figure 5. Once you
are happy with the set of the truck on the rails and the entire assembly is square then go ahead
and put some super glue accelerator on all the joints to speed up the slow setting super glue.
Now install the two remaining brake support sub-assemblies into the slots on the truck frames.
Some trimming may be necessary for these to slide into place. See figure 5.
Now it’s time to install the brake pads and rods. Using the .062” rod cut 4.7cm lengths. Now
slide into the support arms and glue the brake pads to the ends. The pads should sit away from
the wheels or you can adjust them to be engaged with the wheel showing the brakes applied.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Note the truck
assembly is being
viewed from the