Hardware Set up
The following describes the hardware configuration required
for proper night air cooling operation. For complete controller
installation details, please see TC-1 Installation Guide and
related advisories.
Power the TC-1 via appropriate mains voltage
(Line/Neutral/Earth) per TC-1 Installation
Attached a TP-1 and a TP-2 temperature probe to the
controller's probe bus per the following: Install the
TP-1 within the control space as close to the
controller as possible. Install the TP-2 probe in a
location suitable for monitoring outside air
temperature, avoiding direct sun light or heat
generating equipment. IMPORTANT: Use only
shielded, CAT-5 cable to extended the probe cables.
Ground the cable shield at the controller end only. Do
not ground the shield at any other location along the
bus. Do not exceed 75' of total probe cable length.
Run probe cabling in a bus fashion (e.g., from
controller to TP-1 probe and then from the TP-1 to
the TP-2). Make all cable splices as close to the
probes as possible and use only moisture-proof, gel-
filled IDC connectors for splices. Ensure that shield is
contiguous throughout the bus (e.g., from controller
through to last probe in the chain.
Wire RELAY 1 contacts to the control input for space
Wire RELAY 2 contacts to the control input for the
space A/C unit (optional).
Attach network cable to the controller per TC-1 User's
Guide and per Echelon's FT wiring guidelines.