LCD Panel Monitor
SHARPNESS: adjusts the sharpness of the display.
In the main menu, choose “DSPLAY ADJUST”. Press “ Menu” key to enter the
sub-menu. Choose “SHARPNESS” and press “ Menu” key again to show the
sharpness level. Press “Up”/”Down” key to adjust the sharpness level. The
scale can be adjusted from maximum (255) to minimum (0). Press “Menu” key
to save the adjustment and go back to the main menu. Choose “SAVE AND
EXIT” to exit. Or wait about 20 seconds for auto exit.
: adjust color temperature and color scale.
In the main menu, choose “COLOR ADJUST”. Press “ Menu” key to enter the
sub-menu and there are three color temperature and three colors can be
chosen. Press “Up”/”Down” key to choose color temperature (Warm, Cool or
Nature); press “Menu” key to save the choice and back to the main menu. The
factory default value is Nature. Or press “Up”/”Down” key to choose color (Red,
Green, Blue). Press “ Menu” key again in the sub-menu to show color level.
Press “Up”/”Down” key to adjust the color level. The scale can be adjusted from
maximum (100) to minimum (0). Press “Menu” key to save the adjustment and
go back to the main menu. Choose “SAVE AND EXIT” to exit. Or wait about 20
seconds for auto exit.