Receive an express call................. 51
Respond to an express call ........ 52
Reject an express call................. 52
6. Phone calls ........................... 53
Make a phone call ......................... 53
Call an abbreviated
TETRA number........................... 54
Speed dialling ............................. 54
International phone calls
(network service) ........................ 54
Call transfer ................................ 55
In-call options.............................. 55
Answer a phone call ...................... 55
Mute the ringing tone .................. 55
Reject a phone call ..................... 55
7. Direct mode .......................... 56
Basics ............................................ 56
Start direct mode
communication .............................. 57
Activate direct mode ................... 57
Select channels and groups ....... 57
Scan the groups on a channel .... 58
Receive a direct mode call ............ 58
Make a direct mode call................. 59
Gateway and repeater ................... 60
Red key calls and emergency
calls in direct mode........................ 61
Direct mode status messages ....... 62
8. Positioning ........................... 63
GPS receiver ................................. 63
Positioning application................... 64
Position info ................................ 64
Waypoints ................................... 65
Position settings.......................... 68
9. Write text............................... 71
Predictive text input....................... 71
Traditional text input...................... 72
Tips ............................................... 72
10. Contacts ............................. 74
Save names and numbers ............ 74
Search for names.......................... 75
Send and receive contacts............ 76
Send contacts............................. 76
Receive contacts ........................ 76
Organise the contacts directory .... 77
Settings for Contacts..................... 78
Speed dials ................................... 78
Caller groups................................. 78
Terminal info ................................. 79
11. Menu functions................... 80
Status msgs. (Menu 1) .................. 80
Unit alert messages.................... 81
Send status messages ............... 81
Last sent status message
displayed in idle mode................ 82
Status message
with a time stamp ....................... 83
Read status messages............... 83
Received and Sent folders ......... 84
User-specified folders................. 84
Delete status messages ............. 85
Status settings............................ 85
Messaging (Menu 2) ..................... 85
Write text messages................... 86
Send text messages
to multiple recipients................... 87
Read text messages................... 87
Inbox and Sent items folders...... 88
Templates................................... 89
Saved text msgs.
and user-specified folders .......... 89
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