TX7230 Isolator Module
Installation & Operation Manual
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice
3 General Maintenance
Inform the suitable personnel before conducting the maintenance.
Since Isolator cannot disable from the control panel to prevent false alarm, it is
recommended to temporarily close the loop once the isolator is removed.
Do not attempt to repair the circuitry of the interface module, it may affect the operation to
respond to a fire condition and will void the manufacturer’s warranty.
Use a damp cloth to clean the surface.
Notify again proper personnel after conducting the maintenance and make sure to enable
the interface module and confirm if up and running.
Perform the maintenance on semi-annually or depending on the site conditions.
4 Troubleshooting Guide
What you notice
What it means
What to do
Panel display loop fault
Wrong wiring or the damage the
electronic circuit
Replace the device
Appendix 1
Limitation of Isolator Module
The Module cannot last forever. In order to keep the module working in good condition, please
maintain the equipment continuously according to recommendations from manufacturers and
relative nation codes and laws. Take specific maintenance measures on the basis of different
This module contains electronic parts. Even though it is made to last for a long period of time, any of
these parts could fail at any time. Therefore, test your module at least every half-year according to
national codes or laws. Any interface module, fire alarm devices or any other components of the
system must be repaired and/or replaced immediately as they fail.