Configuring the Card Manually
Alternatively one can edit
the configuration lines have the form:
<lu> <name> t81488 <location> <hpib_addr> <syscon> <short T1>
The fields are defined as:
Logical Unit (lu): the user must supply a logical unit number for the TAMS card that
is distinct from all other logical unit numbers currently configured under SICL. A
good choice for this, if your system only has one HP-IB card, is 7.
Symbolic Name (name): the user must supply a symbolic name for the TAMS card
that is distinct from all other symbolic names currently configured under SICL. A
good choice for this, if your system only has one HP-IB card, is “hpib” (without the
Location: this number should match the rotary DIP switch setting on the card.
HP-IB Address: the user must specify the HP-IB bus address that the TAMS card is
to use on the HP-IB bus. This value must not be the same as any other device
connected to the HP-IB cable. It may be the same as other HP-IB interface cards
in the computer, so long as those other cards are not attached to the card via the
HP-IB cables.
If the TAMS card is set up as a system controller, it is traditional to give it HP-IB
bus address 21. This is not required, but does serve to reduce confusion.
System Controller: the user must specify “
” if the TAMS card is to be used as the
system controller. The value “0” will cause the card to function as a non system
6. Short T1 Delay Time: the user must specify the IEEE-488.1 T1 delay value for data
transactions in nanoseconds. Reasonable values are an integer between 350 and
1100. For maximum data throughput a value of 350 can be used provided the system
meets the following constraints specified in section 5.2.3 of the IEEE-488-1987
a) All devices expected to talk at higher rates should use a minimum T1 value of
b) All devices expected to operate at highrer rates should use 48 mA three-state