Now the following dialog will appear:
In this window you will select all of the configurable parameters for the card. If you have
existing applications that specify a different SICL or VISA name, then you may need to
change these parameters to match the configuration name that the program is expecting.
Typically, the logical unit does not have to be changed. Traditionally, the first GPIB
interface has been assigned the logical unit of 7.
The Bus Address, which by default is 21, is the GPIB Primary address of the GPIB
Interface. Please make sure that this GPIB address does NOT conflict with any other GPIB
device on the same bus. The 65488 card, with two separate busses, can use the same
address for both busses.
The Minimum T1 Delay affects the transfer rate when the card is talking. T1 Delay for the
interfaces is from 360 ns to 2000ns. This does not alter the speed at which data
handshakes into the interface card on a read. If all of the devices on your bus are capable
of high speed (1 MB/sec) transfers, then you can set the Min T1 Delay to 360 ns.
Otherwise, use the default of 500 ns. Since most instruments have a fixed T1 delay time of
350 ns, the constraints of section 5.2.3 in IEEE 488.1-1987 generally apply, regardless of
the Min T1 Delay setting on the TAMS card.