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4. Operation overview
Standard boosters used in digital model railway layouts controlled by
-central units (e.g. mobile station or central station of Maerklin**),
do not allow the transfer of the mfx
-feed back data across the
isolation between the booster sections. For that reason vehicles that are
in booster sections supplied by standard boosters cannot log in at the
central unit.
The Booster-Link is used in combination with commercial standard
boosters and transfers the mfx
-feed back data across the isolation
between the booster sections. In layouts supplied by several boosters,
you need one Booster-Link for each booster.
As usual in 3-rail systems the centre conductor has to be isolated
between the booster sections when installing the Booster-Link. The
outer conductors must not be isolated.
5. Technical specifications
Supply voltage
from the digital system
Current consumption
approx. 40 mA
Protected to
IP 00
Ambient temperature in use
0 - + 60 °C
Ambient temperature in storage
-10 - + 80 °C
Comparative humidity allowed
max. 85 %
Dimensions of the PCB
approx. 48 x 52 mm
Weight of the circuit
approx. 15,5 g