4516 112 Ave S.E. Calgary,
Alberta •
l: (403) 279 0020 •
Fax: (403) 279 0747
Page 15
Tamas Hydronic Panels
Low Loss Header Series
Limited Warranty
Limited Warranty
Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. warrants each of its products to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and service for a
period of 24 months from date of purchase from a Tamas Hydronic Systems inc. authorized Dealer.
If the product proves to be defective within the applicable warranty period, Tamas Hydronic Systems inc. on its sole discretion will repair or
replace said product. Replacement product may be new or refurbished of equivalent or better specifications, relative to the defective product.
Replacement product need not be of identical design or model. Any repair or replacement product pursuant to this warranty shall be warranted for
not less than 90 days from date of such repair, irrespective of any earlier expiration of original warranty period. When Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc.
Provides replacement, the defective product becomes the property of Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc.
Warranty Service, within the applicable warranty period, may be obtained by contacting your nearest Tamas Hydronics Systems inc. office via the
original Authorized Agent and requesting a Return Material Authorization Number (RMA #). Proof of purchase in the form a dated invoice/receipt
must be provided to expedite the issuance of a Factory RMA.
After an RMA number has been issued, the defective product must be packaged securely in the original or other suitable shipping package to ensure
that it will not be damaged in transit. The RMA number must be visible on the outside of the package and a copy included inside the package. The
package must be mailed or otherwise shipped back to Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. with all costs of mailing/shipping/insurance prepaid by the
warranty claimant.
Any package/s returned to Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. without an approved and visible RMA number will be rejected and shipped back to
purchaser at purchaser’s expense. Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. Reserves the right, if deemed necessary, to charge a reasonable levy for costs
incurred, additional to mailing or shipping costs.
Limitation of Warranties.
If the Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. product does not operate as warranted above the purchasers sole remedy shall be, at Tamas Hydronic Systems
Inc.’ s option, repair or replacement. The foregoing warranties and remedies are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied,
either in fact or by operation of law, statutory or otherwise, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose/application.
Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale,
installation maintenance or use of Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. products.
Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. shall not be liable under this warranty; if its testing and examination discloses that the alleged defect in the product
does not exist or was caused by the purchasers or third persons misuse, neglect, improper installation or testing, unauthorized attempts to repair or
any other cause beyond the range of intended use, or by accident, fire, lightning or other hazard.
Limitation of Liability.
In no event will Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. be liable for any damages, including loss of data, loss of profits, costs of cover or other incidental,
consequential or indirect damages arising out of the installation, maintenance, commissioning, performance, failure or interruption of a Tamas
Hydronic Systems Inc. product, however caused and on any theory of liability. This limitation will apply even if Tamas Hydronic Systems Inc. has
been advised of the possibility of such damage.
Local Law.
This limited warranty statement gives the purchaser specific legal rights. The purchaser may also have other rights which vary from state to state in
the United States, from Province to Province in Canada and from Country to Country elsewhere in the world.
To the extent this Limited Warranty Statement is inconsistent with local law, this statement shall be deemed modified to be consistent with such
local law. Under such local law, certain disclaimers and limitations of this statement may not apply to the purchaser. For example, some states in
the United States, as well as some governments outside the United States (including Canadian Provinces), may:
Preclude the disclaimers and limitations in this statement from limiting the statutory rights of a consumer (e.g. United Kingdom);
Otherwise restrict the ability of a manufacturer to enforce such disclaimers or limitations; or
Grant the purchaser additional warranty rights which the manufacturer cannot disclaim, or not allow limitations on the duration of implied