Log into NVClient
The first time you launch NVClient you will set up a User Name and a Password. This username and
password is for NVClient software only and not used to log into your DVR. You will use this name
and password each time you launch NVClient in the future.
Enter a username that you will use each time you launch NVClient.
Enter a password that you will use each time you launch NVClient.
Re Input:
Confirm the password that you will use each time you launch NVClient.
The user name and password used to log into the DVR may or may not be the same user
name and password used to log into NVClient.
Local Setup
Click "Local Setup" to enter into the server setup menu.
Common Setup Tab
Under server manage click on "Add" to enter the Add Server settings interface.
Server Type:
Click to choose the DVR server type; select 37DVR.
Enter the IP address of the DVR from the network setup menu.
Local Name:
Assign a name to easily recognize a DVR if you have more than one.
CMD Port:
Enter the port number used on your router to stream video from the DVR.
Stream Type:
Select Main Stream.
Enable Auto Logon:
Click to allow NVClient to log into the DVR.
Channel Num:
Select the active number of channels in the DVR.
User Name:
Enter the user name used to log into the DVR.
Enter the password used to log into the DVR.