TW5210 User Manual rev 1_2
©2011 Tallysman Wireless, Inc.
Parameter Fields
The following configuration parameters can be set and saved:
Baud rate
: Not applicable for the TW5210 USB version. Leave as default 4800 baud
Output on fix instead of UTC second
The TW5210 will immediately output NMEA sentences on acquiring a fix
Enable SBAS
When set and if data is currently received from an SBAS satellite, the TW5210
includes the SBAS corrections in the calculated position.
Output version info on reset
The TW5210 will outputs its firmware version on reset
Enable 1PPS output
: Not applicable for the TW5210 USB version
1PPS on trailing edge:
Not applicable for the TW5210 USB version
NMEA Messages
: Select NMEA sentences to be output. The default messages output
GPS Mask Angle ( degrees)
: Sets the subtended elevation angle of a GPS satellite
below which its data will be ignored. The default is 4:
GPS Tracking Threshold:
This parameter sets the minimum C/N0 threshold to track a satellite. Any GPS satellite,
with C/N0 less than the threshold value is dropped and the GPS engine searches for
another satellite with a stronger signal level. Increasing the tracking threshold
decreases the GPS sensitivity, but helps prevent errors due to multipath. The value must
be in the range 10 to 40.
: Set the SBAS satellite number to track.
GGA Decimal Digits:
Sets the number of decimal digits output for lat and long. The
default is 5 but can be changed to 3 or 4