TW5210 User Manual rev 1_2
©2011 Tallysman Wireless, Inc.
TW5210 Output
GPS position information is output once per second in NMEA format.
The default output from the TW5210 is RMC, GGA, VTG, and GSA messages.
The TW5210 can be configured to output the following NMEA sentences using the
Tallysman TW5XXX Configurator:
RMC - The RMC message is the recommended minimum data for GPS
GGA - The GGA message provides GPS Fix Information
VTG - The VTG message provides vector track and speed over ground
GSA - The GSA message provides overall satellite data
GSV - The GSV message provides detailed satellite data.
The RMC and GGA message can be configured as 3, 4 or 5 digit output, the default is 5
Note 1: If you are using the Visual GPS software utility to display TW5210 outputs, the
GSV message should be enabled to view satellite signal strengths.
Note2: For interfacing to Tait Radio’s set the RMC and GGA digits to 3
Baud Rate
The TW5210 baud rate is configurable from 4800 bps to 115kbps. The default baud rate
is 4800 baud.
When using the USB version the baud rate is not applicable.
Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS)
The TW5210 can be configured to use satellite corrections transmitted by SBAS satellites
to provide greater positioning accuracy.