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  excellent cost and feature benefits compared to competitive products
  Free installation of all tallyGenicom line printers
  IPds for complex documents; non-IPds for big cost savings on text documents
  sophisticated system management tools reduce support costs 

In addition they also support the full range of character 
pitches, form set up and attributes of the application. 
Where advanced print functions such as graphics for logos, 
illustrations, drawings, barcodes and forms are required, 
IPDS (Intelligent Printer Data Stream) is available which is 
fully compatible with IBM AFP (Advanced Function Printing).

dot Matrix Printers

•  2265+ and 2280+ offer excellent print quality with  

24 pin printheads

•  Optional Ethernet AFP/IPDS for graphics, logos, signatures, 

large fonts, barcodes, pre-defined forms

• Optional support for TN3270e and TN5250e

•  Front feed operation with automatic gap adjustment, 

multiple tractors, Automatic Sheet Feeders, and single  
sheet cut form 

Laser Printers

 •  TallyGenicom’s range of mono and colour lasers include  

our Intelliprint series, which have been tested with our new, 
small unobtrusive external Ethernet IPDS solution


“ Printing has always been a very important issue  

within tesco dCs. we require robust, reliable printers 

that can produce hundreds of lines of text and data per 

minute, in what are very busy, often dusty, temperature-

affected environments.”

dOn stuBLey, tesco - It supply Chain Business Analyst 

2X50 / 2265+ / 2280+ dot Matrix Printers

• Up to 800 characters per second

• Workload up to 3000 pages per day

•  Excellent “on demand” printers for  

invoices and dispatch notes

•  Excellent batch listing and  

report printer

• Ethernet as standard (2265+/2280+)

• Optional IPDS (Flash)

•  Many automatic features such as  

Auto tear, Auto load, Auto top of form

6306 / 6312 Line Matrix Printers

• 600 and 1200 lines per minute

•  Automatic Gap setting for optimum print 

quality and minimum user intervention

•  ‘Stay Black’ ribbon (6312) for consistent 

output quality

• Rated at 9,000 and 17,000 pages per day

• Very low running costs

IP9035n / 9045n / 9050n Laser Printers

• Up to 50 pages per minute

•  Workload up to 300,000 pages  

per month

• Colour and Mono

• A3 and A4 models

• Ethernet as standard

t6212 / t6215 / t6218 Line Matrix Printers

• 1200, 1500 and 1800 lines per minute

• Workload up to 500,000 pages per month

•  ‘Stay Black’ ribbons for consistent output 

quality up to 250 million characters

•  Ethernet, IBM, parallel, serial  

solutions   available 

• Optional IPDS 

“ It is essential that back-office barcode printing 

operations are fast and achieve a consistent level  
of quality. After rigorous testing, we chose 
tallyGenicom Line and dot Matrix printers as they  
best matched these criteria.”

MArk sMIth, target worldwide express - It director

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