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T A L K S W I T C H U S E R G U I D E • N O R T H A M E R I C A
A small picture representing a program, an action or a feature in the
configuration software. When you click on an icon, the program, action or
feature is activated.
Internet Engineering Task Force
. Develops and promotes Internet standards
like TCP/IP and SIP protocols.
A dedicated voice service within a specified user environment. TalkSwitch
offers intercom capabilities between its local extensions.
Connects two separate entities. A user interface is the part of a program that
you see on your computer screen and that connects you to the computer.
IP address
Internet Protocol
. The standard protocol used by devices to communicate over
a computer network. The IP address is a unique number or name that
identifies the device.
IP extension
An extension that has its own IP address utilizing the Internet protocol in
connection with VoIP.
IP phone
See IP extension.
Integrated Services Digital Network.
Internet Service Provider
. Facilitates access to the Internet for end-users. Most
ISPs are telephone companies. Their services include domain name
registration, web hosting, leased line access, etc.
The push buttons on a telephone.
Keypad commands
Combinations of digits used to configure TalkSwitch from a touchtone
Light Emitting Diode.
An device that lights up when electricity is passed
through. TalkSwitch has five LEDs on its front panel letting you know which
lines are in use and three on the back panel beside the LAN port.