Cellular Interface for Verizon
Installation Instructions
Rev. 12/10/2020
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• 7530 North Natchez Avenue • Niles, Illinois 60714 • Phone 773.539.1100 • [email protected] • www.talkaphone.com
All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Talk-A-Phone, Talkaphone, Scream Alert, WEBS, and WEBS Contact are registered trademarks of Talk-A-Phone, LLC.
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VI. Activation of Cellular Service
Obtain 4G voice over LTE service (i.e. voice and data) from Verizon. Per the aforementioned installation
instructions, install an activated micro-SIM card provided by Verizon into the
Cellular Interface.
VII. Programming the ETP-500 Series Phone
The ETP-500 Series Phone requires specific programming for operation with the
Interface. At minimum, the ETP-500 Series Phone should be programmed with the following codes:
* 4 **
* 13 * <Phone_Number_to_Dial> *
* 14 * 1 *
* 18 * 5 *
* 24 * 0 *
* 27 * 0 *
* 55 *
* 56 *
* 58 * <Speak_to_Record_Voice_Message>(optional)
For a full comprehensive list of programming codes, reference the Installation & Operation Manual for
Emergency/Information Phones.