`TALEX Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
ul. Dworcowa 9c, 77-141 Borzytuchom
tel. (59) 821 13 40
Emptying the bucket sweeper
Opróżnianie łyżki odbywa się z pozycji operatora poprzez podniesienie łyżki do pozycji pionowej i
wysyp nieczystości.
Drawing 8. Empytying the bucket.
7. Inspections and parts replacement
7.1 Installation and disassembly of the brush.
Before replacing, check that the bucket-sweeper is disconnected from the power
supply and that the resulting pressure in the hydraulic system has been released, the
machine should be placed stably on even, hardened ground.
To replace the brushes, first remove the top cover by unscrewing all M10x25 screws (Fig. 9
Removing the cover). Then unscrew the M20 nut that locks the cover rotation pin, then remove the
engine cover, engine flange and hydraulic lines, to do this, unscrew 2 M12x25 bolts securing the
cover, unscrew the hoses and, finally, the M16x35 flange bolt (Fig. 10 Removing the flange). Next,
remove the bearing by unscrewing 4 bolts M12x35, to remove the brush you need to remove the
side of the bearing (Fig. 11 Removing the brush). Assembly is in reverse order.
Before installing new brushes, check the condition of the bearings marked in section
Working shaft
, items 6 and 11 in the parts table and replace them if their condition indicates this.