2, UW!J<\liui,�JI M�l:li\_l_:lfCr /lli,t '.L
Knit in \vaste yarn and remove the knitting 3
from machine.
L /,UJHi t\!. Ll Ji'; �J: )[ 2
llll tHm \� 'I!.
}E.tfjl)} 2
Llltt;t:'JiitJ\J&iicitMHl,LLIR Hili!} 2 ,
2, li/,ij;\ltl<LlJEilll?t 1 AIJ!'Ql!!l!HtJH,�'l'.,
11' JE 'C: ii I lit n:Bi'/ 'i't 1. ,
When part 3 is completed. transfer the stitches
for part I and 2 from needles in Aposition to t
he hooks of the needles by pulling the cast-on
thread and place them in B position.
Leaving the needle for part 4 in the B position.
Hind off the center neck line stitches for part 2.
Zta¾,t 3 Jm.f,!1iai5rn,?t 4
Knit part 4 as you do part 3