Calibration tests
August 2004
© Tait Electronics Ltd
Tx Power Cycle
1) Adjust Digital Power Supply to current limit at 12 A
2) Connect an RF Power meter to the antenna connector.
3) Set each of the DAC sliders in turn until the RF Power meter reads the
target power level next to the slider. You will not need to Accept when
changing between each slider.
4) If not all frequencies have been calibrated, select the next frequency and
click the Go To Instruction 2 button. You will not need to Accept the data
when changing frequency. When all frequencies are calibrated, click Next.
5) From the toolbar, click Accept button to save changes or Reject to cancel.
Tx Power Control
Power control must be calibrated for high, mid and low and very low power
at five points across the radio’s frequency band to ensure a flat power output
across the operating band.
The Power Control test requires a total of 20 adjustments, four at each test