9‐1 Starting
1) Make sure that the conditions of use meet the equipment specifications.
2) At test run, make sure that the fan is in good rotating conditions (direction, vibration, wind
blowing) and inject oil gradually up to the working flow rate.
10. Maintenance
10‐1 Routine Check
Check the ground wire if it is disconnected or loosened.
Check the ground/lead wire if it is not damaged.
10‐2 Periodical Check
Inspection on the oil cooler should be done at least once in every 6 months.
Cleaning before the outside temperature rises, especially in summer, is recommended.
10‐3 Cleaning
*Do not sprinkle water over the oil cooler housing.
(It may cause a breakdown, an electric leakage, an electric shock, or an early rust
*Before cleaning, be sure to unplug the power cord or turn off the circuit breaker
on the distribution panel. (It may cause an electric shock or an injury.)
1) Cleaning outside of radiator
Immerse the radiator in hot water solution of appropriate neutral detergent, rinse it, and blow
it by the compressed air to dry.
(Make sure that detergent is entirely removed by rinsing.)
2) Cleaning inside of radiator
Circulate washing oil through once, then circulate clean washing oil again.
Since contamination on the oil flow channel is less than elsewhere, annual cleaning may be
3) Repair of radiator fin
Correct the fin position since air quantity may decrease if it is fallen and clogged.