Please read the following instructions carefully before using the product and keep them for future needs.
1. Usage and storage instructions
Do not expose the product to humid environments or extreme temperatures, it could be damaged. If water enters
by accident, stop the operation to prevent a short circuit. Do not use our product more often or for a longer pe-
riod than traditional cigarettes. Keep the product out of the reach of children, adolescents and pets.
2. Contraindications
When using liquids with and without nicotine: Please note the warnings and instructions for use of the liquid pro-
ducts and do not mix them with other substances. Do not use the product if you have a known problem with
nicotine or other liquid ingredients. In case of nausea, dizziness or rash, discontinue use and consult a medic
immediately. The electronic cigarette is not for smoking cessation.
3. Warnings
Delivery to and use by children and adolescents under the age of 18 is prohibited. The product is not recom-
mended for non-smokers.
This product is not suitable for pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, people with cardiovascular and
respiratory diseases, alcoholics and epileptics. Do not use the product if you have lung disease (such as
asthma, COPD, bronchitis, pneumonia). The released vapor may cause an asthma attack, shortness of breath
and coughing fits in the case of a previously damaged lung. If complaints occur, please seek medical attention
immediately. Do not use our product if you have a known problem (allergies, intolerances, etc.) with nicotine or
other ingredients of our product.
When using nicotine-containing liquids: nicotine-containing products are not suitable for people who, for medical
reasons, should abstain from nicotine products. If the liquid is swallowed, contact the emergency number. You
can also contact the poison emergency service in your area.
4. Information on possible adverse health effects
- none known, see the instructions of the liquid.
5. Information on addictive effects
If you use products containing nicotine, the following warning is displayed on the packaging of the liquids: "This
product contains nicotine: a substance that is highly addictive.
6. Information on toxicological data
Overheating the liquid (over 240 ° C) in the electronic cigarette may cause toxicological substances. Please use
the electronic cigarette according to the manufacturer's recommendation and operating instructions. The use of
this product is at your own risk.
7. Contact
If you need additional information or if you have questions about the products and their use, please contact our
local shops or visit our website: www.smokerstore.de
SmokerStore GmbH,
Eisenwerkstraße 26,
58332 Schwelm, Deutschland
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +49 (0)2336 / 935899-0
Fax: +49 (0)2336 / 4744870