Save current status to scene [X]
Recall scene X]
Clear scene [X], status of all output channel are closed
Query the matrix type
Query the input status of the output channel [x1]
Query the input status of all output channels
Video and audio of input channel [x1] switch to output channel [x2]
Audio of input channel [x1] switch to output channel [x2]
Video of input channel [x1] switch to output channel [x2]
Input channel [x1] switch to output channel [x2]
x1], [x2], [x3], [x4] is channel number of input or output; only 1~8 available, otherwise regarded as error.
“[“ and ”]” do not send code;
End each command by code such as “.”, “;”.
Command examples:
1. System code: TAIDEN; EXTRON; OTHER;
For example: convert a TAIDEN code system unit
to a EXTRON code system unit, run “EXTRON;”,
then the unit will only support code ends with
2. [x1]All.
For example: Input channel 3 switch to all output
channels, code is “3All.”.
3. All#.
Setup all channels one-to-one correspondence:
1->1, 2->2, 3->3…8->8.
4. All$.
Close all output channels.
5. [x]#.
For example: Input channel 5 switch to output
channel 5, code is “5#.”.
6. [x]$.
For example: Close output channel 5, code is
7. [x1]V[x2].
For example: Video of input channel 3 switch to
output channel 5, code is “3V5.”. Video of input
channel 3 switch to output channel 8, 9, 12, code
is “3V8,9,12.”.
8. [x1]A[x2].
For example: Audio of input channel 10 switch to
output channel 2, code is “10A2.”. Audio of input
channel 10 switch to output channel 2, 5, 6, code
is “10A2,5,6.”.
9. [x1]B[x2].
For example: Video and audio of input channel 1
switch to output channel 2, 3, 5, code is “1B2,3,5.”.
10. Save[x].
For example: Save current status to scene 7, code
is “Save7.”.
11. Recall[x].
For example: Recall scene 5, code is “Recall5.”.