Please spend some time considering placement prior to installing the speakers. Once
they are installed, they are not to be easily moved or repositioned. Each room has its
specific acoustics but there are some general rules:
TAGA Harmony speakers can be installed almost anywhere thanks to our unique sound
characteristic which is strong and powerful, and has a wide dispersion field.
Placing the speakers near a corner will tend to increase the-
ir bass output, but may result in “boomy” or “muddy” sound.
Corner placement close to the
walls provides a good balance of
bass output and accuracy.
Placing the speakers further into the room will tend to
decrease their bass output, but may result in improved
articulation and clarity.
Place the speakers at least 60 cm (2 feet) away from corners and other surfaces which may
interfere or reflect sound (like tall furniture).
To add extra bass and definition to your system we recommend TAGA Harmony Custom Instal
lations or traditional subwoofers.
Place the front left and right speakers at an equal distance
from your listening position, at ear level while seated.
Place the left and right speakers
at an equal distance from your li-
stening position. Aim the speaker
toward your listening position (if
your speakers have this feature).
If the speakers are installed in a wall which is around 300
cm (10 feet) away from your listening position, place them
no more than 300 cm (10 feet) apart from each other and
no less than 150 cm (5 feet).
Place the speakers no more than
300 cm (10 feet) apart from each
other and no less than 150 cm
(5 feet).
Placement for critical listening in stereo (1 set)
In rectangular smaller rooms [below 30 square meters (320 square feet)] usually 1 set
should work fine. Place both speakers near opposite corners.
In irregular or larger rooms use more than 2 sets and place
the speakers evently across the space for good sound
Place the speakers no more than
300 cm (10 feet) apart from each
other and no less than 150 cm
(5 feet).
When using more than 1 set in 1 room connect all sets in the Daisy-Chain
connection to avoid problems with the
connection and operation.
Placement for entertainment listening or background music (1 or more sets in 1 room)
General notes