The RS232 Controller offers two bidirectional RS232
interfaces which you need to configure as required by
the products you want to control or system controller
you want to use:
RS232 input
uses a 9 way, female D-Sub connector
with this pin layout:
2 RX
3 TX
5 Ground
RS232 output
uses a 9 way, male D-Sub connector
with this pin layout:
2 TX
3 RX
5 Ground
Both interfaces support 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600 and 115200 Baud, with Data Bits 7 or 8,
Parity Odd, Even or None and Stop Bits 1, 1.5 or 2.
The baud rate of the
RS232 input
RS232 output
can be independently configured, a 1000 Byte buffer
allows data to be relayed even when input and output
ports have different Baud rates.
RS232 Port Settings...
1 controller > RS232 settings