Heuer Timing
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2. Printer Maintenance
2.1. Power On Self Test
The self test procedure will check most of the printer functions, except for the serial interface, i.e.:
Printer mechanism, Control circuitry, Firmware versions, Printer quality.
When the printer is OFF, press and hold the Mode Button depressed from approximatively 2 seconds,
Release the button, the printer will power ON and print a self-test report.
2.2. Status LED
The printer incorporates an LED indicator to report its condition. If there is a fault, the LED will flashing
in sequence. The fault can be identified by counting the number of flashes.
LED indicator
Printer ON
Printer OFF or Asleep
Short flash every second
Fast Charging
* * *
Paper out
Fit new paper
** ** **
Thermal head too hot
Allow head to cool
*** *** ***
Battery cu-out
(no charge remaining)
Recharge battery
**** **** ****
Battery low (<20%)
Recharge battery
2.3. Paper OUT
The printer will automatically detect when the printer paper has run out, and report this using the
Status LED. Use the Mode button to feed through the last few centimetres of paper and fit a new roll
as described below
2.4. Head Thermal Limit
After extensive printer the printer head temperature may raise to an unusable level. The status LED
will report when this occurs, and printing will be suspended until the head temperature returns to
normal levels
2.5. Replacing Paper Roll
When the paper roll needs replacing, open the paper cup led and remove the spool and any remaining
paper. Reel off a few centimetres from a new roll of paper. Hold approximatively 5 cm of paper outside
the printer, place the new roll into the paper reservoir with the paper feeding from paper cup lid until
the lid is in the locked position.