Station Telephony Features
T207M, T208M, T207M/NP, T208M/BL User Guide
Programming: Feature Keys
The programmable buttons may include either dial numbers (stations, groups, trunks, trunk groups, etc.) or Coral feature
activation codes. Several dial commands, in a series, may be programmed into one programmable key - useful for one-button
speed dialing, voice response and voice mail system access, and other complex dialing patterns.
The T207M, T208M, T207M/NP, and T208M/BL phone includes four programmable buttons, each with a green LED
indicator. The TEM expansion module may be attached to the phone and offers 44 additional programmable buttons. The
TEM consists of two columns of 11 programmable buttons each, which are doubled by using the Shift Left key or Shift Right
For example, the top right button may include content AAA while the same button, when
Shift Right
precedes it, may contain
content BBB. The same follows for the left sided buttons preceded by
Shift Left
To facilitate TEM button programming and labeling, you can print out the form on
. Use the form to manually enter
the corresponding TEM key names.
Since each TEM button can include two separate text entries (one entry is activated when
pressing the adjacent Shift key), the text you enter closest to the button is the one that appears
when the Shift key is
used. Likewise, the text furthest from the button is the one that appears
when the Shift key is used.
Features keys can be programmed exactly as they are programmed in the FlexSet series keysets.
Use the following guide to navigate through this topic: 171
Programming Boss Group Line Keys 172
Programming ELA Group Line Keys 173 174 176